Even though hyperpigmentation itself is usually harmless, it can cause significant distress as the dark spots tend to appear on the face, hands, and other highly visible body parts that have been exposed to the sun, and can be difficult to hide.
Hyperpigmentation isn’t new. But until recently, most skincare products for hyperpigmentation only had a mild effect on the problem, and quite often led to unwanted side effects.
So when we decided to develop WHITE THERAPY, our first step was to find an active ingredient that could reduce hyperpigmentation while being kind to the skin. After five years of testing more than 50,000 possible ingredients, we settled on 4-butyl-resorcinol, or B-Resorcinol.

“We were really excited by B-Resorcinol’s potential,” said Sarah Hiddemann, Head of Product Development Face Care Eucerin. “But its effectiveness against hyperpigmentation hadn’t been widely tested.
So we began by conducting in vitro tests, where we applied B-Resorcinol to artificial skin models in our lab. What we found was impressive: the skin tone became visibly lighter, brighter and more even.”
The secret behind B-Resorcinol’s effectiveness lies in its ability to reduce the skin’s production of melanin – the pigment that causes dark spots – at the source.
“Melanin production can only take place if it’s triggered by an enzyme called tyrosinase,” Sarah Hiddemann explained. “B-Resorcinol reduces tyrosinase activity – which therefore decreases melanin production and hyperpigmentation.”
We then developed and tested more than 300 potential product formulas before creating the WHITE THERAPY product range.
“The products have been extensively tested in vitro, and in volunteers and patients with hyperpigmentation,” Sarah Hiddemann said. “That’s why we know the products are effective and well tolerated by all skin types.”
“And it’s why we’re so confident that, with regular use, people will see a clear reduction in dark spots and a visibly brighter and more even skin tone.”
“It won’t happen instantly – but it will happen.”